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Aula de inglĂŞs: TRAVEL A Camping Trip 2

TRAVEL A Camping Trip 2

Listen to Dana and Hilary plan for a
camping trip.
Problems - Advice
What problems do they talk about?

DANA: Hey, Hilary, what else should we pack
for our camping trip?
HILARY: Well, I think it’s important to
have a first-aid kit.
DANA: A first-aid kit? Really?
HILARY: Sure. It’s important to be prepared
for anything. We should take a bottle of aspiring. We could get a headache.
DANA: OK. Should we take anything for cuts?
I always get cut when I camp.
HILARY: Let’s take a tube of ointment.
DANA: Good idea.
HILARY: What else? Oh, it's good to bring
cough drops in case someone gets a cold.
DANA: OK. And what about sore muscles?
We’ll be hiking a lot.
HILARY: We should take this lotion. I’ve
used it before and it really works.
DANA: Should we take sunscreen? I don’t
want to get sunburn.
HILARY: Definitely.
DANA: And what about insomnia?
HILARY: Insomnia? I think we’ll sleep very
well. But I suggest a book to read, just in case.
DANA: OK, that’s it then. Wait a minute!
There isn’t any space for our clothes!

Listen again. Match the problems to these
items. Write the number in the box.

1. a headache - aspirin
2. cuts – ointment
3. a cold – cough drops
4. sore muscles – lotion
5. a sunburn – sunscreen
6. insomnia – a book

Music Clover 3